1% Inspiration

10. Bella Zhang - Designing Health Care, Human Factors, and Product Management

Episode Summary

As a graduate student in Industrial Engineering, Bella’s conducted research at the Interactive Media Lab at University of Toronto, building skills in quality improvement, user experience in healthcare, and product management. In this episode, Bella talks about her philosophy of work, managing a team, and product design. By viewing her life as a continuous process and always being open to growth (and giving us constant book and podcast recommendations), Bella showed us what a true life long learner is.

Episode Notes

Introducing Bella Zhang (IndE 1T9 + PEY, M.A.Sc in Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto, 2021)

Bella Zhang is an IndE 1T9 +  PEY graduate from the University of Toronto who recently earned her Master’s of Applied Science (M.A.Sc) in Industrial Engineering also at U of T. For the past few years, Bella’s research interests have been in quality improvement and user experience in healthcare, and product management. 

She completed her PEY at the Healthcare Human Factors Group at the University Health Network - evaluating medical devices and mobile health applications. 

She was also a Research Assistant & UX Lead- at the Interactive Media Lab (IML) led by Dr. Mark Chignell of the mechanical and industrial engineering department at U of T. Partway through her time at IML, Bella led over 20 undergraduate and graduate students in building, and iterating technologies for aging populations as the manager of Centivizer, which is the spinoff company from the Interactive Media Lab. Shortly after the recording, Bella started her new role as a project manager in patient care at the Women’s College Hospital.

Notable Quotes

Resources mentioned with Links

How to get in touch with Bella 

Submit to our Suggestion Box if you have a great potential guest idea or some feedback!

This podcast is generously supported by the Hart House Good Ideas Fund.

Music By : Zen Man