1% Inspiration

4. Hanna Zhang - The Power of the Uncomfort Zone

Episode Summary

As people who know Hanna personally, we’ve always known her to take chances even in uncertainty. She has always been a person to make the first move and chase after opportunities - even intimidating ones. During our chat, we talked about how this has helped her find and stumble through research before beginning university at Sunnybrook Hospital, and how every experience is an exercise of “rebuilding shattered confidence.” This talk is all about the hidden aspects of working and research - the nervousness, pits in your stomach, executing on visions without a solid plan, and handling interpersonal differences.

Episode Notes

Introducing Hanna Zhang (EngSci Robotics 2T0 + PEY,  Current MSc. Computer Science @ University of Toronto)

Hanna is a fourth year Engineering Science student who just completed her last year of the Robotics Option, and minor in bioengineering. She’s a prominent face in the Skule community, as the Vice Chair Operations of F!rosh Week 2T0, leading the transition to an online experience for over 1000 new Skuligans. She was also the Student Clubs Liaison at Troost ILead.

Hanna started conducting research in high school, through to university, both at the National University of Singapore and at the multiple Toronto hospitals in soft and flexible robotics. Starting September 2021, she’ll be starting her Masters of Science in Computer Science at U of T.

Notable Quotes

Resources Mentioned Links

How to Get in Touch with Hanna

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This podcast is generously supported by the Hart House Good Ideas Fund.

Music By : Zen Man